Lappeenranta testvérvárosunk arról tájékoztatott, hogy a bulgáriai Gabrovo városával megosztva elnyerte a környezetvédelemért tett erőfeszítéseiért járó, 2021. évi Európai Zöld Levél Díjat. A díjat az Európai Bizottság alapította. Lappeenranta törekvése, hogy 2030-ig karbonsemlegessé váljon.
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The city of Lappeenranta (Finland) won the title of the greenest city in Europe, European Green Leaf Award 2021, in a competition organised by the European Commission. This year the title was given to two cities, so in addition to Lappeenranta, Gabrovo from Bulgaria won the title. The winners were decided on the evening of 8 October 2020 in Lisbon.
Cities with less than 100,000 inhabitants competed for the 2021 European Green Leaf Award. According to the jury, the city of Lappeenranta has made a visible commitment to developing climate work. The aim is to achieve the city’s main goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.